About Metatarsus Adductus
Congenital Metatarsus Adductus, Metatarsus Varus, Forefoot Adduction, Calcaneovalgus, Skewfoot
The metatarsus bones are a group of five long bones that run lengthwise down the middle section of the human foot, from the toes.
Metatarsus Adductus also known as Metatarsus Varus, Forefoot Adduction, Calcaneovalgus, Skewfoot, Metatarsus Primus Varus, is a congenital foot deformity is commonly seen in newborns and young infants in which the Metatarsus bones angle towards the hindfoot, or heel.
This causes the foot to become C-shaped, with a concave inner border and convex outer border.
The cause of MTA is not certain but is believed to be due to the child being tightly positioned in the mother’s womb during fetal development.
MTA occurs more frequently in twin births, first-born children, and infants with a family history of the condition.
Prospective studies reported the incidence of MTA as about 5 percent of live births, with 65 percent suffering from bilateral MTA.
The global yearly incidence of metatarsus adductus is estimated at nearly 6.8 million patients. Statistically, a child with MTA is born every five seconds.
Intoeing- pigeon-toed (internal rotation of feet)
These anomalies are caused by internally rotated thighs, legs, or feet. The diagnosis is very simple and baby caregivers, orthotics or physiotherapists can easily specify the problem.
A great number of the In-toeing or pigeon toes cases are due to metatarsus adductus (MTA) , and this is actually the only type of In-toeing that successfully is treated by UNFO or serial castings.
It is important to emphasize that early treatment before the age of 6 months is essential for successful results.
Prognosis of Metatarsus Adductus
The natural history of MTA is controversial, and treatment methods lack satisfactory outcome data.
Many clinicians recommend observation in the hope of spontaneous resolution.
In spite of this, clinicians tend to agree that earlier treatment is safer, more effective, and easier than later treatment (whilst parents simply want to be ensured that their child’s foot or feet will develop and grow normally).
As an accurate prognosis is not predictable, treatment should be recommended in most cases.
When left untreated, MTA can cause complications like pain, foot discomfort, wearing shoe problems, and secondary deformities like bunions and skin corns.
The UNFO device is an excellent treatment approach for MTA deformity in infants. The treatment permits either full-time or nighttime usage according to the severity of the foot deformity as well as for maintenance after active treatments.