Metatarsus Adductus, Metatarsus Varus and Pigeon toed Treatment Shoes – UNFO-S (Short)

UNFO for metatarsus adductus/Metatarsus Varus 

The UNFO foot brace is a revolutionary device designed specifically for the treatment of metatarsus adductus (MTA) in newborns. UNFO-s is the first short foot orthopedic device that is worn below the ankle – providing a far superior, safer, and less stressful solution than serial casting for the treatment of metatarsus adductus, also known as metatarsus varus.

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UNFO foot brace for the therapy of Metatarsus Adductus, Metatarsus Varus and Pigeon Toed in toddlers

UNFO’s discrete, sandal-like design allows for gentle, comfortable care. The brace spares parents and infants the unnecessary physical and social discomfort they may experience with leg casts.

UNFO has a number of benefits for both patients and physicians. While patients enjoy an effective and innovative state-of-the-art Therapy , physicians can enjoy more credibility plus the ability to effectively treat patients with Metatarsus Adductus, also Known as Metatarsus Varus, Forefoot Adduction.

UNFO is available in 2 sizes and several colors for both the left and right foot. It is suitable for newborns up to approximately 10 months.

  • Easily fitted
  • Accurately positioned
  • Comfortably worn
  • Stress-free treatment for infant and parents


Protocol for UNFO Therapy

Metatarsus Adductus/Varus can occur on three levels of severity, all are treatable with the UNFO treatment shoes.
Treatments are the same, and vary only in the period of appliance:

Mild (flexible)
Stretching therapy may be tried dispite the doubt about effectiveness of this treatment, but only for 4 weeks.
If the foot isn’t fully corrected after this period, the brace shuld be installed for 23 hours a day (and can be removed, washed etc. for 1 hour) for 2 weeks. After, the brace shuld be installed only at night for 8 additional weeks to maintain and support the correction.

Moderate (semi rigid)
the brace shuld be installed for 23 hours a day (and can be removed, washed etc. for 1 hour) for 6 weeks. After, the brace shuld be installed only at night for 8 additional weeks to maintain and support the correction.

Severe (rigid)
the brace shuld be installed for 23 hours a day (and can be removed, washed etc. for 1 hour) for 8 weeks. After, the brace shuld be installed only at night for 8 additional weeks to maintain and support the correction.

UNFO Foot Brace Components

Components of the UNFO foot brace include:

A. A rigid plastic insert to support the foot.  The insert is covered by a soft thermoplastic material to prevent pressure sores.

The medial wall is curves as anti-adductus shape to allow more space at the mid-foot for adequate correction. The cushion is molded over the first metatarsus and the big toe for better consistent fixation of the foot in the brace.

B. A circular adjustable strap that immobilizes the foot in the brace.  Fixed over the medial wall of the brace, the Velcro strap (which features a wide and soft pillow for comfort) can be adjusted by the treating physician as the treatment progresses.

The strap has two major functions:

  1. To stabilize the heel in the heel cage and the whole foot in the brace, which ensures that the foot remains securely fixed in the brace.
  2. To apply corrective pressures on the mid foot for adequate realignment of the foot.


Important note:

After installing UNFO we recommend following up with your primary caregiver 

Treatment Guidelines for Parents

How to Use – Treatment Guidelines for Parents

Treatment Guidelines for Professionals

How to Use – Treatment Guidelines for Professionals


Blue, Pink


7-9 cm, 8-10 cm


pair, left, right


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