UNFO Therapy for Metatarsus Adductus
The Universal Neonatal Foot Orthotic (UNFO), was developed in order to address:
- Difficulties and stress associated with serial casting
- The ineffectiveness of stretching techniques
- The consequential under- or over-treatment of metatarsus adductus (MTA)
Unlike serial casting – which was designed for the treatment of more serious conditions like clubfoot and has since been adapted for the treatment of MTA – UNFO was specifically designed to treat patients with metatarsus adductus.
UNFO is far superior, safer, and significantly less stressful than serial casting for the treatment of severe MTA cases.
The UNFO Brace eliminates the risks associated with failing to treat an MTA patient in the time since there is no need to wait and see if stretching is the right treatment for the infant.
Parents are assured that their babies will be treated correctly from the start.
Features of the UNFO
UNFO is a short foot brace comprised of a rigid plastic insert that is covered with a soft thermoplastic material. The device also features an adjustable cushioned strap for maximum comfort. UNFO is engineered according to the three-dimensional anatomic deformity and misalignment of the patient’s foot structure, which ensures the proper correction for treating infants with MTA. UNFO is easily fitted, easy to position accurately, and comfortable to wear – providing infants and their parents a stress-free treatment that is a far superior alternative to serial castings and stretching exercises.
Innovation and Benefits of UNFO
UNFO is the first short foot orthotic device that is worn below the ankle.
It provides maximum fit and grip and corrects gently and gradually via a 6-point multidirectional correcting force applied to the deformed foot.
UNFO’s discrete, sandal-like design allows for gentle, comfortable care – sparing parents and infants any physical or social discomfort they may experience with long leg casts.
With UNFO therapy, the patient and family benefit from a state-of-the-art treatment while the physician gains credibility and a way to effectively treat all MTA patients.